We are an independent safeguarding agency.

The Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (SCSSA) was established as an independent agency to promote and assure compliance with national safeguarding standards across all Catholic Church jurisdictions in Scotland.

Our vision

Our vision is for everyone to be assured that all children and vulnerable adults are always safe in any involvement with the Catholic Church in Scotland – in Church places and activities, and with Church people.

Our purpose

Our purpose in being independent is to offer assurance through the promotion of national standards of safeguarding practice.

We monitor safeguarding practice in every Catholic diocese, religious community and Catholic organisation in Scotland.

We report on our findings and determine where improvement is required.

We set expectations of what training is required to be undertaken by those responsible for safeguarding.

Who we work with

Our work is greatly informed and enriched by the efforts of so many involved in safeguarding in Scotland and beyond.

We are always keen to listen to survivors of abuse in the Catholic Church. Our work is informed by the traumatic experiences of those who have suffered abuse.

We work with those responsible for safeguarding in all Catholic dioceses and parishes in Scotland. 

We regularly meet with members of Catholic religious communities of consecrated women and men and Catholic lay organisations to discuss safeguarding practice in their contexts.

We also work with a range of agencies and organisations involved in safeguarding, both in the Catholic Church and in the secular world. We are keen to discover and share best practice in safeguarding through collaboration with centres of excellence.

Our staff

Paul Donaldson

Paul is our Director of Safeguarding, responsible for the strategic leadership and management of the agency. Paul was formerly a Detective Superintendent with Police Scotland and then worked with the Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office (IPCO).

CONTACT: paul.donaldson@scssa.org.uk

Helena Rameckers

Helena is our Head of Safeguarding Training, responsible for developing training resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of all those who are responsible for safeguarding in the Church.  Helena was formerly the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor in the Diocese of Galloway.

CONTACT: helena.rameckers@scssa.org.uk

Mary Stein

Mary is our Office Administrator, responsible for providing effective support to members of the SCSSA staff and Board and for managing administration and operational services and functions across the office.

CONTACT: admin@scssa.org.uk

Our Board of Directors

The SCSSA is led by a Board of Directors with significant experience in public service, in the judiciary, safeguarding, legal services, health, social work, education and care. The Board sets the strategic priorities for the agency. To assist in the development of the Agency and to progress the work required to build strong foundations for its future the SCSSA Board is supported by five subcommittees, each led by a Board Director.  The Terms of Reference for each subcommittee can be found below.

The Hon. Lady Rae

Lady Rita Rae (Chair) has led a distinguished legal career as a solicitor and a KC. She is a former Senator of the College of Justice in Scotland and continues to sit part-time as a Judge. She was elected Rector of the University of Glasgow in 2019. 

Patrick O'Meara

Pat O’Meara (Vice Chair) is a former strategic commander with the Scottish Ambulance Service. He also acts as Chief Medical Support Officer to the UK Army Cadets. He has served as a trustee of several charities. 

Marie Connell

Marie Connell is a former Detective Inspector with Police Scotland. Her post with the Crime Management and Concern Hub in L Division involved her in working closely with partner agencies - social work, health, education - in relation to Child & Adult Protection, Domestic Abuse and missing persons.  Marie leads our 'Education and Training' subcommittee.

Sr Helen Costigane

Sr Helen is a member of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. She is a qualified Canon Lawyer who provides advice to solicitors, dioceses, clergy and religious congregations on canonical matters. She is an author, academic writer and lecturer of some distinction.  Sr Helen leads our 'Finance & Remuneration' subcommittee.

Greg Gallagher

Greg Gallagher is a former Senior Manager, Head of Service and Director of Children’s Services in the Third Sector and in Local Government Social Work Services.  Greg leads our 'Policy and Resources' subcommittee.

Mary Kearns

Mary Kearns qualified as a solicitor in 1988 and as a solicitor advocate in 1995. She was a litigation partner in a large Scottish legal firm. From 2016 until October 2022, Mary was Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor to the Diocese of Paisley on a voluntary basis. Mary leads our 'Survivor Engagement' subcommittee.

Pauline McDonald

Pauline McDonald is Director of Operations with Scottish Autism and has extensive safeguarding experience across the third sector. Pauline leads our 'Safeguarding and Audit' subcommittee.

Professor Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore is the Principal and Chief Executive of New College Lanarkshire, having previously served as Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor, Assistant Vice Principal and Professor at Universities in Scotland and England.

Mhairi Maguire

Mhairi Maguire is a Scottish solicitor with over 15 years of practice, 13 of which she has spent in the third sector. Over 12 years, she held a variety of posts at Enable, working mostly on corporate governance, safeguarding and compliance, together with legal matters, latterly as Director of Corporate Services.  Mhairi is now an independent consultant, working with third sector clients to deliver training, coaching and advice, and supporting with legal, compliance and governance issues.

Board subcommittee Terms of Reference

  • Survivor Engagement
  • Education and Training
  • Safeguarding & Audit
  • Finance & Remuneration
  • Policy & Resources
  • to monitor and review all SCSSA policy papers and draft policies with recommendation(s) to the Board
  • to monitor the continuing accuracy of ‘In God’s Image’ and make recommendations to BCoS.
  • to provide case management advice as appropriate
  • to develop and coordinate a tiered complaints process
  • to review and make recommendations on diocesan Whistleblowing approaches.
  • to develop a communication plan for a nationally agreed safeguarding message.
  • to support the organisation of the Annual National Safeguarding Conference
  • to establish and thereafter monitor the effectiveness of the Safeguarding Training Advisory Group
  • to establish and thereafter monitor the effectiveness of the Safeguarding Learning Network
  • to create and develop Safeguarding Resources and make these available nationwide
  • to develop a system of in person and where appropriate online training
  • to develop a system to monitor ongoing attendance and engagement at training
  • to identify training needs and develop training to meet the needs of SCSSA staff, Board members, clergy, religious and volunteers.

  • to ensure that the content and design of the annual safeguarding audits are fit for purpose
  • to monitor the effectiveness of implementation
  • to monitor the effectiveness of audit analysis, trends and planning
  • to monitor communications on audit outcomes and follow-through
  • to support SCSSA staff in providing support and challenge to various groups responsible for planning improvements to safeguarding practice
  • to highlight areas of noncompliance or concern with associated action plans.
  • to maintain oversight of the Agency’s financial plans, highlighting risks and opportunities to the SCSSA Board
  • to make recommendations with the aim of assuring long-term financial sustainability, including maintaining an overview of income against expected expenditure
  • to review and recommend the annual budget to the Board
  • to recommend to the Board the principles of financial management to be applied by the Agency and approve the Financial Standing Orders
  • to consider and approve the Annual Accounts and Financial statements
  • to review the Annual report and make recommendations to the Board
  • to oversee capital expenditure, approving expenditure and disposal over £3000 and to consider and make recommendations to the Board on material changes to the annual budget
  • to provide insight to the Board on key financial risks on the risk register
  • to test the validity of financial assumptions made in the business cases of major projects and to provide advice to the Board accordingly
  • to consider and make recommendations to the Board on the remuneration of the full-time staff.
  • to monitor and review all SCSSA policy papers and draft policies with recommendation(s) to the Board
  • to monitor the continuing accuracy of ‘In God’s Image’ and make recommendations to BCoS
  • to provide case management advice as appropriate
  • to develop and coordinate a tiered complaints process
  • to review and make recommendations on diocesan Whistleblowing approaches
  • to develop a communication plan for a nationally agreed safeguarding message.