We aim to . . .

keep you informed.

How do WE communicate with you?

We talk with partners

We meet regularly with others who are responsible for safeguarding in the Church and beyond.

We use social media

We post brief items of news to point you to relevant websites and documents.

We publish reports

We publish an annual report on the outcome of the self-evaluation reviews and audits of safeguarding.

We publish newsletters

'Safeguarding Matters' is published quarterly to report on aspects of our work and other safeguarding news.

How can YOU keep in touch with us?

Read our Safeguarding Matters newsletters

Safeguarding Matters June 2024

June 2024
Safeguarding Matters March 2024

March 2024
March 2024
Safeguarding Matters May 2023

May 2023
Safeguarding Matters December 2022

December 2022
Safeguarding Matters October 2024

October 2022
March 2024
Safeguarding Matters June 2022

June 2022

Keep in touch with SCSSA News

We are keen to help you to keep in touch with the work of the SCSSA as we work with others to improve the safeguarding standards governing the work of the Catholic Church in Scotland. 

Director of Safeguarding Paul Donaldson and Head of Training Helena Rameckers will post regular updates on this page of the SCSSA website to keep you informed of developments in Scotland and beyond. 

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DISCLAIMER: Please note that the SCSSA does not necessarily agree with, or subscribe to, the views expressed in some of the posts below that have been re-posted from other sources.

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