
Recognising the risks and prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

Child sexual abuse and exploitation in the UK remains under-detected and under-reported, according to a new CELCIS report which provides an overview analysis of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE).

CELCIS was asked by Scottish Government to provide an overview analysis of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE) to help inform policy developments in the government aimed at helping national and local multi-agency partners and services to better respond to the risks, including new emerging digital risks, and harm from child sexual abuse and exploitation.

Ruth Sills, Protecting Children Programme Lead at CELCIS, said:

Despite the increase in knowledge and understanding, the recent inquiries into historic abuse that have been held in the UK and around the world, have highlighted that child sexual abuse and exploitation remains under-detected and under-reported. It’s essential to make sure that everyone understands how to prevent the risk of harm to children and young people and to recognise the many forms abuse and exploitation can take.
