
Get help or get caught

Online child sexual abuse and exploitation can have devastating consequences for the victims, their families and for perpetrators’ families.  Online child sexual abuse is not virtual; its repercussions are damaging and can last a lifetime ruining relationships, health and long-term wellbeing.

Latest crime figures show reports of online child sexual abuse and exploitation in Scotland have increased by 21 per cent between 1 April, 2023 and 31 March, 2024.  During this period, 2055 cyber enabled sexual crimes against children were recorded, 364 more than the previous year.

Tackling online child abuse remains a key priority for Police Scotland, and this includes working with partners to prevent abuse and divert potential perpetrators from committing offences.  

The #GetHelpOrGetCaught campaign targets those at risk of offending. The campaign features a film Preventing online child sexual abuse, get help or get caught which targets perpetrators by highlighting the consequences of offending and urges them to stop and seek help by contacting Stop It Now! Scotland, or risk getting caught and losing everything.  

The campaign makes it clear that viewing sexual images of children and engaging in sexual conversations with children is illegal and that law enforcement are actively searching to find these individuals and bring them to justice.
