Useful websites for safeguarding

Information and Advice from various agencies


shines a light on Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA) globally


gives advice on child online exploitation and online protection


offers advice about Safeguarding in different faith communities


provides information and resources to protect children and young people

Child Protection Scotland

explains different kinds of child abuse, and what to do if you’re worried about a child or children

Institute of Child Protection Studies

provides publications and resources to improve the lives of children, young people and families


works to connect safeguarding people and to ensure that data informs safeguarding practice

Advice from Police Scotland

Child Abuse
Child Abuse

information on child abuse & how to report it

Supporting a child disclosing online sexual abuse
Responding to children who disclose

what to consider & what to do

Information for Adult Survivors of Abuse
Adult survivors of child abuse

how to report abuse and what happens